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Instructions after receiving dorms request letter

Students who received approval letter to live in a dormitory are required to settle the sections below:

You must enter the portal and submit a dormitory ratification request within 3 days from receiving the letter.

Log-in to the Technion portal and submit a dorms request : https://portal.technion.ac.il

(you must be logged in to the Technion net with Ivanti software, more information: https://cis.technion.ac.il/en/central-services/communication/off-campus-connection/ssl-vpn/install-pulse-client-win-mfa/). If the link is not working please click to see instructions file.  To change the language to English click to see instructions file.

Go to Campus menu – my requests – submit new request – dorms ratification.

Read carefully the regulations of the student dormitories
You must print  contract of the dormitory, fill in the personal details and sign the contract.
Sign 2 guarantors on the contract according to the requirement on the last page (international students are not obliged to fill guarantors)
Attach the scanned contract to the ratification request
Once approved by the Student Accounts Department, the reapproval request will be completed.
It will not be possible to enter the dormitory without arranging the residence contract.
The collection of the rent will begin from the date of taking the key and in accordance with what is written in section number 11 of the “Contract of permission to live in the student dormitories”.

In order to cancel the eligibility, enter the portal and submit a dormitory reapproval request – and select ‘not interested to move in the dorms’


Students who received ineligibility letter for dormitory:

Undergraduate students can submit an appeal form

Graduate students can send an email with appeal request to: grdorm@technion.ac.il


More Guidelines Students who received approval letter to live in a dormitory:

– Only after the dorms ratification application is approved will you be able to exercise your right to enter the dorms.
– If you do not confirm or cancel your intention to exercise your right by the relevant date according to the dates on the website,
Your right to live in the dormitory will be canceled and the place reserved for you will be given to another student.
– If you confirm your intention to live in the dormitory but do not arrive to receive a key at the entry times according to the dates on the website, you will be charged a fine of NIS 500 and your      right to the dormitory will be revoked.

Receiving the key will take place at the regional office located in the area where you received a dormitory.

Reception hours on Sunday-Thursday 09:30-11:30 and on concentrated reception days only 09:00-13:00 according to the dates tab on the website.

You can send a power of attorney to receive the key equipped with a letter signed by you and a photocopy of your ID card.
Entry with a car to the Technion will be possible only during the entry times and upon presentation of this letter.
After that, entry will only be possible with the approval of the security unit.
The eligibility to receive a parking label for dormitory residents is according to definitions that change from time to time.
Be updated on the website of the security unit.

Dormitories rent:
Please note that rental rates are updated from time to time. To view the rates
The rent will be charged monthly through an account debit authorization that is also used for collection of tuition fees at the Technion.

The payment date is the 10th of each month.
The rent is charged from the day the key is taken until the day the room is checked out.
A student who leaves the dormitory during the semester will pay rent until the end of that semester

Contents of the Dormitories:
Information regarding the contents of the rooms and apartments can be found on the dormitory website.
Important: do not remove equipment from the apartment. Bringing in equipment is only permitted with the approval of the person in charge of the complex.
The contents of the rooms are not insured. We recommend getting insurance for your own personal property.