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Outgoing Students

Technion Outgoing Students

Technion invites students to expand their horizons and their academic experience by spending parts of their academic careers abroad.

Technion Student Exchange Program allows students to spend a semester abroad at one of Technion’s Partner Universities and receive partial credits toward their Technion degree.

Students must apply for the study abroad program through the Application system

In your application, you may rank up to five universities. We suggest that you choose and rank universities from a range of different academic levels to ensure that you will be accepted into at least one of your chosen schools.

GE3 Partner Universities

There are only a few GE3 places available for Technion students. If you wish to choose from the GE3 list, simply choose GE3 in the drop-down menu in the online application system. Only top students will be chosen for GE3 slots. Once the Student Exchange Coordinator confirms that you received one of the GE3 slots, you can start the application via the GE3 website and rank your preferred universities in their application system.

The application process occurs once a year. 

Registration for the 2025-26 academic year is now open and will close on December 20, 2024. Applications should be submitted through the online application system. When applying, please select the option Outgoing Technion Students.

You must apply in the Fall of the year before you want to study abroad for both Spring and Winter semesters. Students need to apply during their 3rd semester to spend a semester abroad during their 5th or 6th semester.

For more information regarding the requirements and process, please review the Student Exchange Program Info Session PPT.

To decide which university is the right choice for you, we recommend reviewing the following information:

  1. Courses catalog – Does the university you are interested in, offer courses that are relevant to your degree?
  2. Semester dates – Which semester is most suitable for your travels, taking your studies and the Technion semester dates into consideration?
  3. Cost of living – Will you be able to afford the cost of living in the city where the host university is based?

To answer these questions, please refer to the Partner Fact Sheet of the host university, which can be found in the list below beside each university’s name:

University NameAgreement typeFact SheetFaculty RestrictionsStudent Feedback
USAUniversity of OregonBilateralOregonUniversity of Oregon
ArgentinaUniversidad de PalermoBilateralUP
ArgentinaInstituto Tecnológico de Buenos AiresBilateralITBA
CanadaMcGill UniversityBilateralMGUPlease see faculty restrictions in the fact sheet
CanadaUniversity of British ColumbiaBilateralUoBC
CanadaUniversity of ManitobaBilateralUoMEngineering only
CanadaUniversity of TorontoBilateralUTF
CanadaConcordia UniversityBilateralCU
CanadaPolytechnique MontréalBilateralPM
ChilePontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (PUC)BilateralUC
ChinaEast China Normal UniversityBilateralECNU
ChinaTongji UniversityBilateralTU
ChinaShanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)BilateralSJTU
ChinaBeijing Institute of TechnologyBilateralBIT
ChinaTianjin UniversityBilateralTU
ChinaNanjing UniversityBilateralNU
ChinaBeihang UniversityBilateralBUAA
ChinaNankai UniversityBilateralNU
ChinaGuangdong Technion - Israel Institute of TechnologyBilateralGTIITGTIIT
ChinaPeking UniversityBilateralPKU
ChinaShandong UniversityBilateralShandong
ChinaUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaBilateralUSTC
ChinaTsinghua UniversityBilateralTHU
CyprusUniversity of CyprusBilateralUC
Czech RepublicCzech Technical UniversityBilateralCTU
DenmarkTechnical University of Denmark (DTU)BilateralDTU2022-2024
FranceHEC School of ManagementBilateralHEC
FranceENSCM National School of Chemistry MontpellierBilateralENSCM
FranceEcole Polytechnique ParisBilateralL'X2023-2024
FranceEcole Centrale MarseilleBilateralECM
FrancePSL DauphineBilateralPSL
FranceEPF – Engineering School BilateralEPF
GermanyAnhalt University of Applied SciencesBilateralAUAS
GermanyTechnical University of Munich (TUM) - Department of ArchitectureBilateralTUoM
GermanyTechnical University of DresdenBilateralTUDresden
GermanyKarlsruhe Institute of TechnologyBilateralKIT
GermanyLeibniz Universität HannoverBilateralLUH
GermanyTechnical University Darmstadt (TUD)BilateralTUD
GermanyUniversity of Applied Sciences Bielefeld (UASBI)BilateralUASBI
Hong KongHong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)BilateralHKUSTDoes not accept CS students
IndiaIIIT PuneBilateralIIIT
ItalySapienza - University of RomeBilateralSapienza2018-2023
JapanNational University Corporation Kyushu UniversityBilateralKUKyushu
PolandWroclaw University of Technology (WUST)BilateralWUST
South KoreaHandong Global UniversityBilateralHGU
South KoreaPOSTECH UniversityBilateralPOSTECH
South KoreaAjou UniversityBilateralAjou2023
South KoreaSungkyunkwan University (SKKU)BilateralSKKU
SwitzerlandÉcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)BilateralEPFLDoes not accept CS and Architecture students
TaiwanAcademia SinicaBilateralAS
TaiwanNational Cheng Kung UniversityBilateralNCKU
TaiwanNational Taiwan UniversityBilateralNTU
TaiwanNational Tsing Hua University (NTHU)BilateralNTHU
TaiwanNational Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU)BilateralNYCU
UruguayUniversidad ORT UruguayBilateralORT
USAUniversity of ConnecticutBilateralUConn
USACarnegie Mellon UniversityBilateralCMUDoes not accept CS students2018
USACornell UniversityBilateralCUEngineering students only
GermanyTechnical University of Berlin (TU Berlin)Bilateral/Erasmus+TUB2019-2023
GermanyTechnical University of Munich (TUM)Bilateral/Erasmus+TUM
GermanyFriedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU)Bilateral/Erasmus+JENA
GermanyUniversity of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU)Bilateral/Erasmus+FAU
GermanyAachen University RWTHBilateral/GE3RWTH2022-24
Hong KongCity University of Hong KongBilateral/GE3CUHK
MexicoITESM MonterreyBilateral/GE3TEC
South KoreaKAIST- Korea Advanced Institute of Science & TechnologyBilateral/GE3KAIST2018-2023
ItalyPolitecnico di Milano (Erasmus+)Bilateral/GE3/Erasmus+PM
SpainPolytechnic University of ValenciaErasmus+UPV
HungaryBudapest University of Technology and Economics Erasmus+BME
ItalyPolitecnico di Torino (Erasmus+)Erasmus+PoliTO
RomaniaAlexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (Erasmus+)Erasmus+Iasi