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Support for immigrant students

Immigrant students are assisted in the following subjects:

  • Counseling and support in dealing with difficulties of emotional and social absorption.
  • Assistance and advice in dealing with the academic requirements at the Technion.
  • Providing academic assistance through individual tutoring provided by outstanding students: Students in the care of the Student Administration are entitled to free tutoring by contacting the relevant counselor, according to faculty affiliation.

The center works in collaboration with the student director to assist with a variety of topics. The student director assists in financing tuition according to eligibility determined by him. In addition, the principal’s instructional team maintains personal contact with the students and initiates activities such as: meetings, trips, lectures, etc. Address of the Director in Haifa – 15 Pal-Yam St., Haifa, Tel. 04-8631140 / 1. To the website of the Student Director for Immigrant Students.