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Special announcements for the dorm residents

  • Undergraduate students Registration for Winter 2024-2025 Semester: The registration dates for Undergraduate  students who are not residents of Haifa and the surrounding area:
    March 5 2024 until June 30 2024 and only after official acceptance to the Technion.
    For residents of Haifa and the surrounding area, for couples and families, the registration date will open at a later stage.
  • Completion of missing forms for the dormitory application in the portal by July 27, 2024
  • Due to the special security situation – Anyone who cannot qualify until September 26, 2024, because of the situation, will be able to qualify until 13.10.2024 (inclusive), This deadline is final and absolute and must not be exceeded.
  • Moving day (between droms) for the winter semester: October 14th, 2024.
  • Entry of new tenants for the winter 2024-2025 semester: October 29th until November 3rd.

We congratulate you on joining the dormitory and ask you to remind us of the dates of entering the dormitory:
Tuesday 29.10.24 to Sunday 3.11.24 (not including Friday, Saturday) from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
The order of arrival is not important, the placements are made in advance.
After you enter, check who is responsible for your booth (appears on the website).
On the days of the entrances, it will be possible to enter the campus with a car by presenting the email you received regarding eligibility for the dormitories.

Dormitory residents who move to another room/apartment, the moving date is 14.10.24 at 8:00 a.m. to 16:00 p.m.
On the day of the transitions, it will be possible to enter the campus with a car, provided that you obtain an entry permit for yourself.
Entry will be possible from the morning.
More details can be seen on the dormitory website – https://dean.technion.ac.il/dormitories/

Good luck with your studies and a happy, quiet and successful year,

Dormitory office.