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Rates and Payment Procedures

Rates for services provided at the center

Rates of services of the psychological service (as of November 1, 19)
Type of Service Cost of Service
Introductory meeting and initial assessment sessions 180 NIS
Individual therapy session 130 NIS
Group therapy session 60 NIS
Psychiatric counseling session 130 NIS
Test anxiety workshop 360 NIS (six meetings)
Psychodiagnostic assessment 150 NIS

Payment Procedures:

Payment for the various therapy hours, as well as the registration fee, will be billed and collected through the Students Accounts Department in accordance with the “Services of the Office of Dean” clause, while maintaining students’ full confidentiality.

Collection will occur each time that there is a tuition charge (approximately 7 times per year).

In special circumstances, and in coordination with the treating psychologist and the Psychological Services Office, you may pay for sessions with a credit card.